Accident Insurance

Accident insurance provides a cash cover to a policyholder when s/he suffers injuries as a result of an accident. While insurance helps a policyholder pay off hospital and medical bills in case of accident injuries, it provides cash benefits to family members if the policyholder dies in the accident. This insurance, applicable 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, is also commonly referred to as personal accident insurance.
Types of Personal Accident Insurance Policies

Under personal accident insurance, the policyholder, if injured, receives cash benefits every month, just like income, for as long as s/he is unable to work due to the accidental injuries. This income is non-taxable and does not exceed the policyholder’s after-tax earnings minus the state benefits s/he can claim. In case of death of the policyholder due to an accident, the family receives a specific lump-sum amount.

There are eight common types of personal accident insurance policies:

Individual: This policy can be taken by any individual. The benefits usually enclose partners and children. Since several activities are excluded from this policy, it is not as useful for people who love adventurous sports, like mountaineering and rock climbing.
Children: The purpose of this policy is to provide financial help to parents if they are unable to work or if they incur expenses as a result of an accident.
Group: This policy is used by companies to cover employees for expenses related to accidents.
Self-employed: Since self employed individuals are not eligible for employee benefits, they are worse off when injured in an accident.
Team: Through a team accident insurance policy, organizers can seek cover for all the members of a sports team.
Professional: This policy is specifically for self employed professionals, such as a sportsperson, actor, lawyer or doctor, who have special requirements.
Over 50: This policy targets people over 50 years of age, as accidents can cause more grievous injuries to them.
Travel accidents: This policy offers benefits in case the policyholder meets with an accident while traveling.

Car Insurance

Taking Car Insurance is always a good idea to stay safe and keep other too. Its hard time to protect you and your loving car that’s why you must take affordable Car Insurance. Just compare your car insurance quotes online and select best one who fulfill your needs.

Getting car insurance is not very easy task and its require lot of research work for any normal person seeking a car insurance. First you need to realized what is your need, why you looking for car insurance and how much you can pay as car Insurance premium.

Main thing that you keep in mind when purchasing car insurance from any company is to make sure you get the coverage you need and then what’s the history, company is reliable or not, company has had any bad records.

When you compare insurance for your car you must check what are rates and features of Insurance and this insurance fulfill your needs or not because this is time when you need to think twice.

Now you go online and compare cheap car insurance, when you get list of car insurance provider sites request from them for cheap car insurance. When you have list of car insurance quotes compare each one for the rates and features. If any one fulfills you car insurance needs just pick one.